How often do you dream of being fluent in a new language? Really visualizing yourself in that country, impressing people with your language skills and feeling confident. But then you wake up and reality hits you. You realize learning l earning language in 3 months is not like taking a “Limitless” pill. Or can it be?
Speech and language in different species
According to Huberman Lab Back in the 1950s, researchers like Peter Marler explored neuroethology, studying the neurobiology of behavior in a natural context. They found that certain bird species, such as songbirds, parrots, and even hummingbirds, possess the ability to imitate sounds like humans do.
This behavioral similarity intrigued scientists, as it indicated a closer resemblance to humans than other species. They also discovered critical periods in language learning, similar to humans, where the absence of exposure during childhood can hinder language acquisition.
When you are learning a new language, more often than not, you had no exposure during childhood. Does it mean leaning language in 3 months is imposible? It is not. Some people have done it. However there are real limitations.
Being realistic
I mean, it sounds too good to be true, but somewhere deep inside you hope it is. Well, after all sorts of learning experiments, some claim they were able to learn a language to fluency in half a year, 3 months, 7 days, or even 24 hours!
We can all agree that fluency in a day or a week is quite unrealistic. But how about 3 months? Is it possible to learn a language in 3 months? Or is it just another Internet myth?
Is learning language in 3 months the same as being fluent?
If you’re already familiar with the CEFR levels and what they stand for, you can skip to “The Not-so-Harsh Truth about Learning a Language in 3 Months.” Not entirely, since there’s some truth to it. But that truth comes with a lot of qualifiers and a lot of caveats. First, it’s impossible to determine if someone has “reached fluency” until you define what “fluency” actually is.
And since “fluency” is an incredibly vague word, with no universally agreed-upon definition, everyone within the online language learning community seems to define “fluent” in different ways. Because of this, when someone tells me, “I want to be fluent in Russian in 3 months,” I have no idea what they’re actually aiming to accomplish.
The fluency discussion
Fluency” here could mean anything from “basic conversational skills” to “sounding like an educated native speaker,” and everything in between. That’s a massive range in skill levels. If learning language in 3 months means to operate with basic conversational skills, this is only remotely feasible.
So to determine if it’s possible to reach fluency in 3 months, we need to settle on a definition of “fluency” and go from there.
To me, being fluent means being comfortable in expressing yourself in most situations, as well as comfortably understanding what is being said to you.
In short, I believe fluency is about familiarity and comfort with a language.
Can you achieve fluency in 3 months?
Learning a language in 3 months is an ambitious goal, but it can be possible under certain circumstances. However, it’s essential to set realistic expectations and understand the limitations.
- Time Commitment: To make significant progress in a language in such a short period, you’ll need to dedicate a substantial amount of time each day to studying and practicing. This means consistent and focused effort.
- Language Similarity: The difficulty of learning a language also depends on its similarity to your native language or other languages you already know. If the language you’re learning shares vocabulary or grammatical structures with languages you’re already familiar with, it can speed up the learning process.
Methods for learning language in 3 months
- Learning Methods: The effectiveness of your learning methods plays a crucial role. Utilizing a combination of resources such as textbooks, online courses, language exchange partners, and immersive experiences can enhance your language acquisition.
- Motivation and Discipline: Staying motivated and disciplined throughout the learning journey is vital. Language learning requires persistence, especially when faced with challenges or moments of frustration. Keeping your goals in mind and finding ways to make the process enjoyable can help you stay on track.
- Immersion: Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Surround yourself with native speakers, watch movies or TV shows in the target language
Variables for learning language in 3 months
Time on Task
Three months is a little over 90 days. That might sound like a lot of time to get things done, but if you’re an absolute beginner who wants to make a serious push towards a B1 level, then you’re going to have to devote a huge chunk of that time to language learning, each and every day.
So, how many hours a day should you study a language?
. That’s practically a full-time job! If you don’t have that amount of time to devote to your target language during those 3 months, it’s simply not going to happen.
The “Distance” between Your Native and Target Language
Your ability to quickly reach B1 in your target language will greatly depend on how similar (or how different) that language is from your mother tongue.
Languages can differ in grammar, pronunciation, intonation, word order, and more.
If the two languages are similar (like, say, English and Dutch), then great! Reaching B1 in three months is actually quite a reasonable goal for you.
But if the two languages are very different (like, for example, English and Japanese), even reaching a B1 is unlikely to happen in 3 months.
Examples on learning languages in 3 months
Let’s make these examples a bit more concrete by taking one sentence and translating it across each of these languages.
English: “I love to learn new languages.” Dutch: “Ik houd ervan om nieuwe talen te leren.” Japanese: “新しい言語を学ぶのが好きです。”
As you can see, the sentence structure, vocabulary, and grammar differ significantly across these languages. This highlights the challenges faced when learning languages in 3 months, particularly if the target language is quite different from your native tongue.
The Importance of Realistic Expectations
It’s crucial to set realistic expectations when embarking on a language learning journey. While it’s admirable to aim for fluency in a short period, such as three months, it’s important to consider the factors that can influence your progress.
Factors like time commitment, language similarity, learning methods, and your own motivation and discipline all play significant roles in language acquisition. Learning languages in 3 months depend greatly on two variables: a) time devoted to the learning process and b) distance between native and target language.
So, while it may be possible for some individuals to reach a B1 level in three months, it’s not a guarantee for everyone. Be aware of your own circumstances, set achievable goals, and enjoy the journey of learning a new language.
Practice Exercises for languages in 3 months
Vocabulary Building
- Create flashcards with new words and their translations. Review them regularly.
- Use vocabulary learning apps or websites to practice word associations and quizzes.
- Label objects in your environment with their translated names to reinforce vocabulary retention.
- Engage in word games, crossword puzzles, or word association exercises to expand your vocabulary.
Listening and Speaking
Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or songs in the target language to improve your listening skills. Practice speaking by finding language exchange partners or joining conversation groups online. Record yourself speaking in the target language and analyze areas for improvement. Mimic native speakers by shadowing their speech patterns and intonation.
Reading and Writing
- Read books, articles, or blogs in the target language to enhance your reading comprehension.
- Write short essays, diary entries, or journal entries to practice expressing yourself in writing.
- Engage in online language forums or social media groups to interact with others in writing.
- Find language exchange pen pals to exchange written letters or emails.
So, let us embark on this language learning journey with curiosity and determination, knowing that with each word we learn, we are opening doors to new cultures, perspectives, and possibilities. Don’t forget tu suscribe.